Sunday, September 1, 2024

Key Differences Between Temporary and Permanent Disability Workers’ Compensation Benefits

Do you know which benefits you’re entitled to?

If you recently suffered from a work-related injury, the workers’ compensation benefits you receive are determined by several different factors such as your post-injury work capacity, injury duration, and the severity of your injury. 

If you’re wondering whether you’re eligible for temporary or permanent disability benefits, here are their key differences:


Temporary disability benefits are provided for a limited time, typically until the worker can return to work or reaches maximum medical improvement. 

Permanent disability benefits are long-term and may continue for the rest of the worker’s life, depending on the severity of the injury. 

Work Capacity 

Temporary disability assumes that the worker will eventually recover and return to work. 

Permanent disability acknowledges that the worker’s condition will not significantly improve, affecting their ability to work indefinitely. 

Benefit Calculation 

Temporary disability benefits are usually based off a percentage of the worker’s average weekly wage. 

Permanent disability benefits are often based on a predetermined schedule of impairments, which account for the severity and overall impact of the injury. 

Read our latest article here to learn more. 

Our Colorado Workers’ Compensation Attorneys are Here to Help You Navigate Your Benefits! 

Recognizing which type of disability, you’re dealing with will help you navigate the workers’ compensation system much more easily and effectively. 

Consulting with our knowledgeable Colorado workers’ compensation attorneys in invaluable in navigating the complexities of your workers’ compensation benefits, and making sure that you receive the support that you need. 

We’re here for you! We’ll help you understand your rights, advocate on your behalf, and maximize the benefits you’re entitled to under Colorado state law. 

Contact us today to get started! 

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