Saturday, July 15, 2023

What if My Workers’ Compensation Doctor Isn’t Providing Proper Care?

Workers' Compensation Attorney Glenwood Springs
Did your doctor misdiagnose or under-diagnose your injury or illness?

You want the best treatment available so you can get back on your feet again, providing for your family. Kaufman & Kaufman workers’ compensation attorneys in Glenwood Springs will protect your rights and help you navigate the complex legal system.


If a doctor determined that you’ve reached maximum medical improvement (MMI), including whether you have any permanent disabilities, they’ll notify your insurance carrier. If the insurance carrier agrees with your doctor’s evaluation, they’ll file a Final Admission of Liability. You have 30 days after the carrier files the admission to determine if you agree with the MMI determination and the benefits the insurance carrier outlines in the final admission.

Learn more about what you can do if your workers’ compensation doctor isn’t providing proper care here.

Schedule Your Initial Consultation Today to Get Started!

If you have questions about your workers' compensation rights, speak to experienced workers’ compensation attorney in Glenwood Springs today! We make sure you and your case get the attention you deserve! (970) 945-2396.

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Don’t agree with your doctor’s assessment?

Workers' Compensation Attorney Glenwood Springs

You have the right to request a change of physician in the state of Colorado. The injured worker can switch to another doctor on the list within the first 90 days.

Do you think you’re in need of further medical care? You’ll have 30 days from the date that’s printed on your Final Admission of Liability to decide if you agree with their determination.

If you don’t agree with this final assessment, you have the right to request a Division Independent Medical Examination (DIME).

Read more about the Colorado DIME process here.

Schedule Your Initial Consultation Today to Get Started!

If you have questions about your workers' compensation rights, speak to experienced workers’ compensation attorney in Glenwood Springs today! We make sure you and your case get the attention you deserve! (970) 945-2396.