Friday, September 15, 2017

Do You Have a Case?

Were you injured in a workplace accident?

Do you think your workplace was negligent or at fault for your accident?

Are you wondering if you’re eligible to file for a worker’s compensation claim?

There’s a very good chance you do!
Colorado workers compensation attorney

You qualify for worker’s compensation benefits in Colorado if you work or have worked in any of the following positions:
  • Agricultural worker
  • Temp worker
  • Seasonal worker
  • Undocumented worker

Other positions may qualify, so it’s important to consult with a worker’s compensation lawyer about your rights as soon as possible. If you’re worried that you won’t be approved for additional benefits, you’re not the only one! But, with the help of an experienced Colorado workers compensation attorney you’ll find out if you have a valid claim for benefits!

If your health has been affected by your job, you’ve been hurt enough. Take some of the burden and worry away by contacting a Colorado workers’ compensation attorney. With an expert by your side through the whole process, you can take your mind off the legal issues and focus on getting better. Call today and get the support you deserve!

Get Started Today: Contact Experienced Colorado Workers Compensation Attorneys!

If you have questions about your workers' compensation rights, speak to an experienced Colorado workers compensation attorney today! We make sure you and your case get the attention you deserve! (970) 945-2396 

Friday, September 1, 2017

Job Related Hearing Loss Workers Compensation Claims

Have you suffered hearing loss or tinnitus from your job?

Has your quality of life diminished due to your hearing injury?

Are you having a hard time finding work because you’re now hard of hearing?
Colorado Workers Compensation Attorney

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), employers are obligated to focus on the following to minimize hearing loss: noise exposure monitoring, engineering and administrative controls, use of hearing protection devices, education, and noise level evaluation.

Did your workplace follow the CDC’s rules before your accident? Imagine how your life would be different if your employer followed the required safety precautions for preventing hearing loss.  

Individuals who suffer from hearing loss can face a reality in which they experience difficulty:
  • hearing high frequency sounds
  • understanding speech
  • communicating with loved ones, co-workers, and neighbors
  • playing with children and grandchildren
  • participating in normal social activities

Get Started Today! 

The first step in asserting your rights and getting your legally owed compensation is contacting a Colorado workers’ compensation attorney. If your health has been affected by your job, you’ve been hurt enough. Let us take some of the burden and worry away!

We’re open to almost everyone, from any industry or background, and we’re happy to help you with your case. With an expert by your side through the whole process, you can take your mind off the overwhelming legal issues and focus on getting better. Call today and get the support you deserve! 970-945-2396.