Monday, January 14, 2019

Your Doctor Can Help You Manage Stress after Suffering a Job Injury

colorado workers compensation attorneyStressed out recovering from your injury?

Is your recovery proving a bigger challenge than you expected?

Have you spoken to your doctor about ways to reduce stress?
Your doctor can be a great resource for understanding and dealing with stress. The doctor can give you a realistic evaluation of your injury and what it can mean in terms of time away from work and how well you are expected to recover.
Your doctor may also prescribe therapy or medication to help you relax and focus on healing instead of worrying. If you don’t want to go to a doctor to help reduce stress read this article on some helpful tips to reduce stress while you recover from your injury.

Get Started Today: Contact an Experienced Colorado Workers’ Compensation Attorney!

If you have questions about your workers' compensation rights, speak to our experienced Colorado workers’ compensation attorney today! We make sure you and your case get the attention you deserve! (970) 945-2396.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Job Injury Stressing You Out?

colorado workers' compensation attorneyIs your job injury stressing you out?

Do you feel anxious and overwhelmed?

Is limited mobility due to your injury causing you concern? 

High levels of stress can be damaging to your personal life, your health and your well-being. If you’re stressed out, you may need to consult your doctor to help resolve any emotional challenges you may have about your injury.

You shouldn’t have to deal with stress while you are healing from a work injury. Contact an experienced Colorado workers’ compensation attorney about your rights.

Eligible for Workers’ Compensation? Contact an Experienced Colorado Workers’ Compensation Attorney!

If you have questions about your workers' compensation rights, speak to an experienced Colorado workers’ compensation attorney today! We make sure you and your case get the attention you deserve! (970) 945-2396