Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Common Remote Worker Injuries

While working from home eliminates the hazards of commuting and crowded offices, it isn’t 100% risk-free.

Many remote workers are still vulnerable to certain injuries, some of which may qualify for workers’ compensation. Understanding these common injuries can help prevent them and or ensure proper treatment if they occur.

Here are some examples:

Repetitive Strain Injuries

One of the most prevalent injuries among remote workers is repetitive strain injuries. Typing on a computer for long periods, especially without proper breaks or ergonomic support, can lead to conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome. This occurs when there’s excessive pressure on the median nerve in your wrist, often caused by poor wrist positioning or repetitive motion.

Slips and Falls

Home office setups often don’t meet the same safety standards as professional office spaces, leaving remote workers more susceptible to accidents like tripping on wires, slipping on rugs, or stumbling over office equipment. These accidents can lead to severe injuries like sprains, fractures, or even concussions.

Ergonomic Injuries

When your office chair is a dining room chair and your desk is a kitchen counter, you’re putting yourself at risk for ergonomic injuries. Poor seating and desk arrangements can cause back and neck pain, which, over time, can lead to chronic discomfort and more serious musculoskeletal issues.

Without the proper support from chairs, keyboards, or monitors, remote workers may experience increased tension in their spine, neck, and shoulders.

Read our latest article here to learn more! 

Consult with a Colorado Workers’ Compensation Attorney to File a Claim for Your Remote Work Injuries

While many workers assume they are only eligible for workers’ compensation if they’re injured at their traditional office, remote workers can also file claims if they’re injured while performing work-related duties at home.

Injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome, slips and falls, or ergonomic injuries can be covered under workers compensation, provided they occurred in the course of employment.

Contact our Colorado workers’ compensation attorneys if you’d like to learn more!





Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Challenges of Remote Workers’ Compensation Claims

Noticing the beginning signs of carpal tunnel in your wrists from all the typing you do at your remote job?

Disappointed because you don’t think remote workers qualify for workers’ comp?

You will be pleasantly surprised to learn that this is not the case!

Traditionally, workers’ comp applies to workers injured in the physical workspace but, as the way we work has evolved, so has the nature of workers’ compensation.  

Here are some of the biggest challenges that come with remote workers’ comp cases:

Proof of Injury

While remote workers do qualify for workers’ comp, proving their cases can be much more difficult and require more evidence. Remote workers often face much more scrutiny in proving that their injury occurred during working hours.

Employer Pushback

Some employers may try and dispute claims, arguing that the injury wasn’t work-related, especially if it’s difficult to prove.

If you’d like advice on how to fight against these challenges, read our latest article here to learn more!

Our Colorado Workers’ Compensation Attorneys Will Fight for Your Rights!

As workplaces continue to shift to remote work, it’s important to understand the unique challenges associated with remote workers’ compensation claims.

While remote workers’ are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits, proving their cases can be more complex due to the lack of a physical workspace. Employers may also resist claims making it necessary for injured employees to have strong legal representation.

If you’re a remote worker facing an injury in Colorado, consulting with our Colorado workers’ compensation attorneys can help your case. We can help you navigate the complexities of your case, gather the necessary evidence, and advocate for your rights.

Contact us today if you’d like to learn more!